
Do-It-Yourself SEO

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Do-It-Yourself SEO


Simple SEO Improvements: After Just a Few Hours Following Step-by-Step Directions, Sit Back and Watch Your Web Site Become a Traffic Magnet

A few years ago, when I completely overhauled the web site you are now looking at, I undertook an intensive study of search engine optimization - the art of maximizing the odds that your web site rises to the top of search engine results, bringing in traffic. After I implemented what I learned, my visitor count doubled and stayed at the higher level - more than 650,000 visitors a year.

During site reviews requested by clients, I realized that the techniques that worked for me aren't common knowledge. Whether sites are handled by a professional designer/webmaster or by the site owner, whether they operate on a low budget or a very healthy one, most sites fail to use even one-third of these no-cost, easily implemented SEO methods. 

SEO tips you can quickly put into practice

To share these success secrets I wrote a little report called Do-It-Yourself SEO: 16 Simple Tweaks That Increase Search Engine Traffic to Your Web Site. It includes screen shots showing the search engine optimization tactics to put into place, with explicit instructions, and it costs $19.95. Order it now.

"Marcia, the gems of advice you provide in your SEO report utterly validate the purchase! I couldn't be more delighted with the detailed specifics. You provide the why and why not of ways to tweak a Web site so it's more visible to search engines. It's just what I was looking for, and I can't wait to implement your tips on the three sites I manage for work and play." - Noel Hawke, Data Technician, Montana State University Billings

Since the Internet is ever-evolving, I've checked these tips with SEO experts and yes, what I describe in my report are definitely things you should be doing to ensure the greatest visitor count for your web site content. 

There's no black magic, no mumbo jumbo, no trickery and no expense involved - just a little bit of imagination and some concentrated discipline in taking care of small details. Unlike most marketing tasks, you need to perform these do-it-yourself SEO tweaks only once. Go through the steps and then sit back and enjoy the results for years, as I have.

What you learn in "Do-It-Yourself SEO"

  • The four "must know" facts about search engines that set the stage for profitable web site tweaks
  • Eight SEO tweaks applicable to nearly every site and eight that are useful for special situations
  • Five places to insert topical keywords, a couple of which most web sites overlook
  • Numerous examples of bad and better web site elements, helping you understand what to change at your site and how
  • Screen shots of recommended changes accompanied by the corresponding html coding, so you'll be able to perform changes easily or have your webmaster do so
  • One common situation in which you should not bother with an otherwise important SEO tweak
  • Ways to reword your content pages so they are not only more search engine-friendly but also more readable for humans
  • How web site graphics can represent a black hole for search engines unless you perform one of the SEO tweaks
  • A few possibilities for giving your navigation system greater search engine appeal
  • Two techniques for unobtrusively multiplying the strength of your keywords where search engines are concerned
  • If you serve a limited geographical area, how to make sure you come up for as many searches for your service area as possible 
  • Not just what to do, but a logical, clear reason why each recommended tweak works

If you know how to change pages on your web site, you'll be able to make the recommended changes yourself, and if you pass the report along to your webmaster (permission granted for this pass-along!), he or she will be able to help you spruce up your site for the search engines.

"Marcia, the information in your Do-It-Yourself SEO report is excellent. Although I knew about many of the suggestions, I hadn't fully implemented them. I'm already seeing great results from using your ideas for web site tweaks! Thank you." - Kathy Slattengren, CEO, Priceless Parenting, LLC

Your investment in higher traffic is guaranteed

Wondering whether or not you've already done the SEO tweaks I recommend? Don't worry. Like all my downloadable products, this report comes with a money-back guarantee. Order it now, then if you find my tips simply advise everything you've already done, just request and receive a cheerful refund.

Frustrated by all the hard work you've sunk into your site without receiving an adequate payoff? You may have overlooked some steps that help ensure the whole project becomes profitable. Order Do-It-Yourself SEO and enjoy better results within days.

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