Become a More Productive Writer Course
Become a More Productive Writer: Overcome Inaction, Foot-Dragging, Delay or Writer's Block
Get the medicine for writer's block that gets you writing quickly, easily, consistently and well, and that you'll enjoy "taking" again and again.
If you've put off or just can't complete a writing project, you need Become a More Productive Writer, a four-part audio program and manual.
"It's excellent!" says best-selling novelist Sue Grafton.
Based on years of creativity research and with its techniques tested at dozens of workshops, Become a More Productive Writer demonstrates how to shed self-defeating judgments and get moving on any long-delayed project today. Whether you've put off work on your firm's annual report or the Great American Novel, this practical program gives you the gentle kick in the pants you need.
Get eye-opening insights like these:
- Why prolific writing doesn't require fast writing, so you can be a productive tortoise, if you're not cut out to be a speedy rabbit
- Why sheer discipline doesn't produce good writing, the kind you're proud to share and whose results gratify everyone involved
- Southern author Flannery O'Connor's secret for the next best thing to creativity on command
- How small chunks of time - even waiting for the microwave oven to ping - can move you forward on your writing
- Like to run? Sleep? Cook? Play music? When and how not working contributes to productive writing
"Working through Marcia's 'Become a More Productive Writer' audio program permanently improved my writing process, not just by speeding it up, but by making it less frustrating. The self-paced exercises pushed me to try out an amazing variety of mental tools, which I now have at my disposal every time I sit down to write. Highly recommended." - Jean Moroney, President, Thinking Directions
- Why putdowns of yourself that have become habitual, such as "I can't write if I don't have a deadline," need to be turned on their heads
- How to use past creative successes (everyone has them!) to build an idiosyncratic writing process
- Why a dialogue with your unconscious mind helps, with techniques for accessing what you know but don't know that you know
- What to do to organize ideas quickly and well - including a process that enables you to create a table of contents for your unwritten book in just 20 minutes
- And much more, including vivid and helpful guided visualizations
"Years ago, I listened to Become a More Productive Writer over and over again. I really wanted to be a writer, but I felt like it was only a dream. Today, I am published many, many times over. I write for the trades, have had a column, and even had a small stint as an editor until family obligations came calling. I remember hearing your soothing voice telling me I could do it. Well, I listened, and it made a difference in my life. Thank you, Marcia, for passing on your wisdom and experience." - DeAnne Todd, Wentzville, MO
Now here's the rundown of what's included in this one-of-a-kind program:
- Audio 1: Become a More Productive Writer. Work efficiently by attuning to your perceptual preferences; get pages you like piling up by balancing discipline and inspiration.
- Audio 2: Exploding Writer's Block. Offers five quick-writing techniques, visualizations and advice on bypassing writing obstacles.
- Audio 3: Procrastination: Creative Solutions. Through writing, visualizing and self-awareness exercises, defeat procrastination without struggle or pain.
- Audio 4: How to Be Your Own Best Editor. Understand why writing experts say 90% of writing success comes from rewriting. Explains specific factors to look for during self-editing, while not letting critical voices stop you from completing your manuscript.
- Each audio lesson is divided into two parts, a half-hour each.
- Manual: No More Writer's Block! A written summary of how to devise a customized-for-you creative process by understanding five elements of discipline and five elements of inspiration, along with a description of five exercises that enable you to create raw material for your writing quickly and effortlessly.
"Marcia Yudkin's 'No More Writer's Block' report is a practical, clearly-written, sensible solution that really helped me. It's not a twelve-step program, not 'take two aspirins and call me in the morning.' It just got me back to the computer keyboard, typing away." - Wendy R. Leibowitz, Legal Technology Columnist
Lick procrastination and writer's block permanently, now! The set of eight half-hour downloadable audio lessons and PDF manual is just $95.00 and comes with a money-back guarantee. If it doesn't get you writing, simply let me know for a complete refund.
"Become a More Productive Writer was very helpful to me when I was starting out as a full-time freelancer. It was full of practical advice that helped me to be more efficient at what I can do." - Bruce Holland Rogers, author, Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer
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